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Special Occasion song-videos

Sweet Baby JESUS      

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of JESUS, our Savior and Redeemer. But just remember, HE was just a tiny baby, a sweet tiny baby! A very Merry Christmas to all.

Christmas Joy             

Isn't Christmas wonderful! What a great time of the year. Enjoy the JOY of Christmas with this video.

Christmas Cheer        

Christmas is a time to celebrate and exchange Christmas cheer. Enjoy this song video that shares the essence of Christmas Cheer and reminds us of the real reason for the season.           

Reason for the Season

Sometimes, in the excitement of the season, we forget the reason for the season. This is a fun reminder of the reason we celebrate during the Christmas season. 

Wonder of Christmas

Why is Christmas a time of wonder and love? There are many reasons but the most important is that it is time to celebrate the most important gift given to mankind ever- JESUS!

Merry Christmas       

This is my way of saying "Merry Christmas" to each of you!


Traditional Christmas Songs

Winter Wonderland                

The famous Christmas song was first published in 1934 and is now public domain. The composer was Felix Bernard (1897-1944) and the lyricist was Richard B. Smith (1901-1935). Many have performed this classic. Here is Bill Gibson’s version.

Santa’s Coming to Town    

This famous Christmas song was written by J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie, it is a classic. Here’s my version.

GOD Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

This old Christmas song was written centuries ago and reminds us the Christmas is about JESUS.

Silver Bells                

This wonderful Christmas, composed by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans, is a favorite.

O Holy Night             

This beautiful Christmas carol composed by Adolphe Charles Adam reminds us that the night JESUS was born was truly the most Holy Night!

Holly Jolly Christmas        

Let’s celebrate JESUS’ birthday! Have a holly jolly Christmas! Written by Johnny Marks.

Feliz Navidad                      

This great Christmas classic, written by Jose Feliciano, wishes all Feliz Navidad or Merry Christmas.

Mary Did You Know    

This wonderful Christmas song written by Mark Lowry reflects on what Mary was thinking and feeling while knowing that she is the mom of Jesus Christ.


New Year’s Day         

Happy New Year! Well, another year starts. Maybe you would like things to change. Well, perhaps this video will show a new direction for this New Year. If resolutions have not worked and you’re looking to make changes, watch this video.

My Valentine             

A Great Valentine's Day video to remind folks what true love is all about. Share it today to express your love to your “Valentine”.


What Would I Do?    

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you were there in Jerusalem on the day they crucified our Lord JESUS? I have! Imagine if you didn’t have Scripture or the Church to explain who JESUS is. If you were there on that day, what would you do? That is what this music video is about.

HE is Risen                

In 2010 I visited the Garden Tomb just outside the gates of Jerusalem. It was an emotional experience. The message of that experience is that, JESUS is not in there because HE has risen! That is what this song and music video is about. HE is Risen!

HE is Alive                

JESUS is alive. What a wonderful statement. HE died but then rose again and is living so that those who repent, accept and follow HIM as their Lord and Savior will spend eternity with HIM. Alleluia!


Baptized in HIS Love

Baptism isn’t salvation. It is an act of obedience once you have repented, asked JESUS into your life and commit to following HIM. Baptism is a wonderful opportunity to declare that you are a CHRIST follower. 


Welcome Home         

When Vietnam War veterans meet each other now they say "Welcome Home, brother." They do this because few welcomed them when they did come home from the Vietnam War. This music video welcomes home all who served in the Vietnam War.


Those veterans who returned from the Vietnam war didn't come home to parades but to ridicule or, best, were ignored. This music video celebrates those who felt forgotten.

GOD Bless the Heroes

Veteran’s Day: This is a day to remember all those who served in the military to keep us safe and protected. Regardless of what job they had, all veterans gave their time and commitment to serve. Whether during war or peace; whether fighting on the front lines or supporting those who were, we say, thank you so much for your service.

GOD Bless the Heroes

Memorial day: It seems like every day we learn of heroes who give their lives for others. This is a song video about some of those people. There are those who serve for our safety and freedom knowing that they may have to give their lives and do. They are our heros. May GOD bless the heroes.

GOD Bless the Heroes

General: It is amazing how many are willing to serve in so many ways to help others. They are heroes who put are always there to help those in the greatest need. Thank you to all these heroes.

Bye, Bye                            

 When those who represent us in government do not serve their constituency as expected, we have the opportunity to vote them out of office; to say, “Bye, Bye.” Regardless of the political affiliation, politicians have a responsibility to their constituents.

Take Back America   

America is the land of the free; the home of the brave. This is a song video that celebrates this Country and freedom. It is the fundamental, foundational beliefs in the U.S.A. that makes us strong. Those beliefs inspired this song and video, maybe this video will inspire you?

Mother's Day and Father's Day

Mom’s Day                 

Happy Mother’s Day: Moms are so special. They represent the best of humanity. They sacrifice. They are committed. They love and more. Celebrate Mother’s Day by sending this video to your mom, the mother of your children, or some special mom in your life.

Thanks Dad               

If you are looking for a way to say "thanks" to your dad for all he has done for you, send him this video. It will touch his heart and bring back warm memories. Dads are so important in our lives. Thank your dad today with this video.

Wedding Vow            

Wedding vows are really important. They are a pledge to your spouse and to GOD to love them in good times and bad. Enjoy this wedding song, a love song for life.

Happy Anniversary

Anniversary Day       

A wedding anniversary is a wonderful time to remember our wedding, marriage and vows. It is a great time to renew our commitment to each other and restate our vows. This is a song video that celebrates a wedding anniversary.

Love Thru’ Time        

Many are searching for endless love and a lasting marriage. Well, love centered on JESUS and HIS love, endures. It starts with JESUS and a commitment to following HIM. It’s never too late to start and find true love. Love through time is a beautiful thing.

Love Partner             

My wife and I are married 50 years today. Please wish my wonderful wife a happy anniversary by watching our video and sharing it. A happy marriage is founded in JESUS.



Graduation day is really special and important. It marks the end of a time of your life and a beginning of a new time. Being grounded in JESUS will guide your path forward. Happy graduation!

Happy Birthday

Birthday Wish          

Happy Birthday!!! To a great wife, mom, grandmother, etc. We all love you. Have a wonderful, marvelous day!


Our birthday is a day to celebrate and that’s a great time to be thankful for life. There is another “birthday” that should be celebrated and that is the day you accept JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior. Celebrate both.

Birthday Happy        

Happy Birthday!!! The life given to you by GOD is full of joy when we do life as GOD intended for you. HE has given you gifts and talents to do the work HE planned for you. Birthday Happy!

Birthday Wish          

This is a short, fun, song video to wish someone a Happy Birthday. Send to someone for their birthday.

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